Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Trouble sleeping?

If you have sleep issues, you have to get your hands on some vetiver oil!   What I love about it is it helps me to turn my mind off quickly and to sleep deeply.  I never feel groggy or "drugged" the next day. And the BEST part is, I haven't put anything harmful into my body!

Sleep is oh so important for us.  Everyone knows how terrible you feel when you don't get a good night's rest.  I for one will never forget those months as a new mom trying to function on very little sleep.  I was a mess!  If only I knew about essential oils then, I imagine how much better my sleep would have been (probably not any longer (-; )! If you want to read more about the importance of sleep, check out this article.  Before you hit the hay, get some vetiver!

Directions: Simply place 1 drop in your palm and rub it on the bottom of each big toe and at the base of your skull/top of neck.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Essential oils to the RESCUE!

This was the perfect birthday gift for my 23 year old sister!  She's in college and started having panic attacks due to all the stress of school.  Now she can say goodbye to "freakouts" and support her body in dealing with stress naturally.    What a relief to know my little sister is in good hands. (: