Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Trouble sleeping?

If you have sleep issues, you have to get your hands on some vetiver oil!   What I love about it is it helps me to turn my mind off quickly and to sleep deeply.  I never feel groggy or "drugged" the next day. And the BEST part is, I haven't put anything harmful into my body!

Sleep is oh so important for us.  Everyone knows how terrible you feel when you don't get a good night's rest.  I for one will never forget those months as a new mom trying to function on very little sleep.  I was a mess!  If only I knew about essential oils then, I imagine how much better my sleep would have been (probably not any longer (-; )! If you want to read more about the importance of sleep, check out this article.  Before you hit the hay, get some vetiver!

Directions: Simply place 1 drop in your palm and rub it on the bottom of each big toe and at the base of your skull/top of neck.

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