Monday, February 9, 2015

Sick of Coughing?

It seems this season that lingering cough is going around.  
If you're sick of it, make some of this for yourself or your loved ones!  
If you don't have these oils yet, be sure to email me so I can help you get all of your supplies!

I really enjoyed this recipe.  In fact I made it just last night and it's really been helping, plus it tastes great!  My tip for you would be to put the coconut oil in a pan on the stove top on low heat just to melt the oil a bit. Then I mixed all of the ingredients in a sealable glass container.  You only need 1/2 teaspoon to ease your cough, the mixture will make approximately 12 servings.  I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I have!  I'd love to hear your feedback, so be sure to leave a comment.

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