Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I'm sick of fighting off the sickness!

I'm not sure how your cold/flu season has gone, but mine has been relatively wonderful compared to life before essential oils, but kind of annoying since living life with oils.  Let me explain.  Before being introduced to essential oils, I used to get sick 4-6 times a year.  My last really bad cold/flu season I got pneumonia!  I'm a stay at home mom and therefore the main care giver to my sick kiddos.  So, whatever was going around would constantly pass from them to me.  After being introduced to essential oils our cold/flu season was much different.  I didn't get sick at all, and if my kids started to get something, we were able to squash it within 24 hours.

Well, this cold/flu season has been a little different.  Sadly, I have gotten sick, but I have been able to shake it pretty quickly and don't seem to be as bad off as everyone else.  But what's been annoying is that once I'm better a little scratch in my throat shows up a few days later or I wake up with a stuffy nose.  My main line of defense has been a blend of clove, cinnamon, wild orange, eucalyptus and rosemary oils.  They work really well at supporting my body while it fights off whatever bug I've gotten.

This past week I found my cupboard bare!  I was out of my go to oils!  I'm waiting until March for my next order.  So, I did a little online digging and found a wonderful recipe.  It really seems to have stopped everything in it's tracks and I'm running around feeling 100%.  I have no scientific founding for this thought, but I sometimes wonder if your body just needs you to mix things up every now and then instead of the same old routine?  I know this is true of exercise, so could it be true of our immune system?  Well, true or not, I'm mixing it up in the oils department and so far I like what I see!  I hope you enjoy the recipe. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Make 2 capsules with these oils per day!
Day 1: 3 drops Oregano
1 drop Frankincense
3 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil

Day 2: 5 drops Lemongrass
5 drops Melaleuca
2 drops Cinnamon
2 drops Thyme
3 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil

Day 3: 5 drops Cinnamon
5 drops Oregano
5 drops Lemon
3 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil

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